Friday, October 16, 2015

Accomplishing Your Goals and Staying Motivated

A wise teacher of mine once told me to imagine my life in boulders. The boulders can represent anything that you'd like but they should all be things that you want to work on in your life. Here are a few example of what your boulders could be:
  • kicking an addiction
  • rebuilding a damaged relationship
  • improving your physical health
  • getting a specific job
  • buying a house
  • planning a wedding
Personally, I chose to concentrate on my careers so I labeled my boulders Acting, Graphic Design, and Growing My Clothing Line. These are three areas of my life that I want to pursue. Once you've decided on what your boulders are going to be, place them at the bottom of a hill in your mind. The goal is to push each boulder up the hill just a little bit each day so that you are continuously working on the areas of your life that you want to improve. Pushing your boulder up the hill simply means doing something to further yourself in that area, no matter how small or big that might be. Everything counts as a push up the hill. Some days your boulder might move a centimeter and some days it could move a few feet but remember that every win counts. For example, if your boulder is kicking an addiction, maybe one day you go online and do research on different recovery centers to find out which is the best fit for you and your situation. That's one push up the hill. Another day, maybe you send out an email contacting a recovery center or pick up a phone and call them. That's another push up the hill. Then maybe one day you go on a run outside to start creating healthy habits. All of these steps towards accomplishing your goal are wins and all of them push you boulder up the hill just a little bit more. 

It's very easy for us to become lazy during our off time and waste the day away. When I get home after a long day at work, my first instinct is to change into some comfy clothes and catch up on my favorite Netflix show. Having these boulders created in your mind is a helpful way to remind yourself of what really matters. They can inspire us to use our time productively and continue to make wins throughout life. 

Another helpful tip is to write things down. Put your goals onto paper. This can be a very effective technique. In addition to writing down your goals, write down the steps that it's going to take for you to achieve those goals. Your steps should be specific enough for them to become tasks that you can begin to cross off as you make progress. Here's an example of what some of the steps could look like under the "Acting" goal.
  • reach out to photographers to get pricing on headshots
  • find a makeup and hair artist for headshots
  • book a date for headshots
  • sign up for Actors Access
  • submit myself for student films
  • volunteer to help out with a play
  • book a role in a student film
  • create my reel
You'll notice that some tasks are very specific while others are a little more general. Keep breaking down your tasks into steps that are realistic to achieve. When you are making this list and once you begin to work on it, keep in mind that this is not meant to be a list that scares you or discourages you because it's overwhelming. Instead, it should inspire you and be a helpful tool to keep the ball moving on the things that you really want to do. Keep your list somewhere that you can see it each day and make it a habit to look over it and update it every once and a while. Now, when you're bored on a Saturday, instead of wasting the day away you can make it a point to cross off one of the steps on your list.

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