Monday, October 19, 2015

Thought of the Day: No Room

Thought of the Day

As you go through life, you are going to lose connection with people who once meant a great deal to you. As disappointing as it may be, let those people fade out and make room for new bonds that will soon form. A friendship is the result of two people who care mutually about each other and both put forth the effort to make that connection continue to blossom and develop. If one person stops putting forth effort, it's not up to the other person to make up for that lack of effort. No one wants to see a friendship dissolve, especially one which occupies such a deep space in your heart. But there is no room in your life for those who don't care to be in it. You deserve to invest yourself in things and people who lift you up and bring light to your life. Investing your time in someone who is not also invested will not benefit you or your happiness in any way. The important thing to recognize though is that loosing a friendship doesn't have to be a sad thing. You will forever have the wonderful memories to cherish. Also realize that new bonds are formed each day. If you're open to it, you will develop new friendships full of new adventures and memories to be made.

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